Testaris Ltd
Malzgasse 18
CH-4052 Basel
+41 61 201 20 70
Legal form: Limited company (Aktiengesellschaft)
Enterprise ID no: CHE-245.886.063
Commercial register number: CH-
Nexia International
Testaris is a member firm of the «Nexia International» network. Nexia International is a leading worldwide network of independent accounting and consulting firms, providing a comprehensive portfolio of audit, accountancy, tax and advisory services.
«Nexia International» also refers to the trading name of Nexia International Limited, a company registered in the Isle of Man, which operates the Nexia International network. Company registration number: 53513C. Registered office: 1st floor, Sixty Circular Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1SA.
Nexia International Limited does not deliver services in its own name or otherwise. Nexia International Limited and the member firms of the Nexia International network (including those members which trade under a name which includes the word NEXIA) are not part of a worldwide partnership. Nexia International Limited does not accept any responsibility for the commission of any act, or omission to act by, or the liabilities of, any of its members. Each member firm within the Nexia International network is a separate legal entity.
Nexia International Limited does not accept liability for any loss arising from any action taken, or omission, on the basis of the content on this website or any documentation and external links provided.
The trademarks NEXIA INTERNATIONAL, NEXIA and the NEXIA logo are owned by Nexia International Limited and used under licence.
References to Nexia or Nexia International are to Nexia International Limited or to the «Nexia International» network of firms, as the context may dictate.
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